Loving You Back

I hope someone falls in love with you. I hope she loves you so much that she knows when you are happy and when you are sad. I hope you don't have to explain to her when you are feeling low. I hope your words are enough to soothe her and I hope she is perfect for you. I hope she stays awake for you late at night just to get a glimpse of your tired smile when you return home. I hope she spoils you with words and care. I hope she does your work not because she has to but because she loves to. I hope she prays for your safety and your happiness every day. I hope your shoulder becomes her home, I hope her life revolves around you. I hope when you sleep in the sunlight she becomes your shadow and when you sleep she takes her steps with more caution to not wake you up. I hope she calls you not to keep a check on you but just because she miss your voice, I hope she stands with you when you only find one chair. I hope she is so madly in love with you that you don't have to explain to her when to talk to you and when to leave you alone, I hope you become everything for her.

And I hope you don't love her back.

 I want you to feel this for once how painful it is to feel incapable of loving someone, anyone. I hope you realize the pain is just the same to love and being loved.


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